I completed my undergraduate studies in Biochemistry at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. During my studies, I worked in Jerala lab at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, where I contributed to different projects in the fields of synthetic biology and immunology. During my Bachelor's thesis project at the lab, I worked on designing and isolating new Cas9 and ExoIII protein variants for CRISPR genome editing.
I did my Master studies in Biotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria. I joined Bock lab at The Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (CeMM) in April 2022 to do my Master thesis on establishing a CRISPRa, -i and KO screening platform to find modulators of treatment response in glioblastoma.
During my work in the Bock lab I developed a strong interest in using epigenomic approach to answer quesitons related to aging and age-realted diseases in the neurological system, which led me to apply for a PhD in Alessia Soldano's lab. Here, I want to further explore on how epitranscriptomics influences the aging brain, using Drosophila melanogaster as the model system.